北海道大学キャンパスガイド(外国人対象) Hokkaido University Campus Tour Guides 2024(2024.4.27~11.4)


The Hokkaido University Campus Tour Guide 2024 will take place from 27 April (Sat.) to 4 Nov. (Sun.) for free. The main dates are in the morning on weekends (Sat/Sun) and national holidays in Japan.
Please come to the university information map board near the main gate of Hokkaido University by 9:55 am. (Address: Kita 8-jo Nishi 5-chome). The tour is scheduled to take 90 minutes from the meeting point to the final stop, Ginkgo Avenue (North 13-jo Street).
(A guided tour can be arranged at your convenience).
Application: https://bit.ly/3rQQki1
Contact email: cityguide2.unit@gmail.com